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2023 Advent Calendar
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Day 24
December 24, 2023
Happy Holidays to you all! My wish for you all is that you have a safe, and full holiday this year and many to come. As we close out the advent this year it only makes sense to hop out on the right fo...
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Day 23
December 23, 2023
Can you believe it?! One last day to go in Advent... I simply can not fathom that this will come to a close so soon! Day 23 opens to MZ kids doing their skipping rope behavior animations. What has bee...
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Day 22
December 22, 2023
A busy day again, which I would expect more and more so as we come to the end of the advent time... Day 22 MV is jumping into action with some skipping rope behaviors. A link back to this thread is re...
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Day 21
December 22, 2023
Sorry for the late post... Spent the day running around and wrapping presents! Day 21 sees the MZ crew getting their chance on the Seesaws!!! Enjoy! A link back to this thread is requested. Credit mus...
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Day 20
December 20, 2023
OK! Its Day 20 and we are done with our Spa treatment... lets go back to some rough housing! Remember those seesaws on the playground? Well it is a shame to just let them stay empty... that just WON'T...
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Day 19
December 19, 2023
So MV had their Spa treatment yesterday.... its ONLY fair that MZ gets their turn for Day 19! These guys don't want just bubble bath and bath toys though... if you look close.... you'll notice some of...
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Day 18
December 18, 2023
I am so glad that everyone likes the Spa Tiles, but there is something missing... wouldn't you think?? How about the MV characters being able to enjoy themselves at the spa?!! You get the FULL cast of...
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Day 17
December 17, 2023
We have been really rough housing with the kids today... how about we enjoy a nice relaxing Spa Day? Day 17 is a big Sunday before the end of Advent... and so it deserves something extra in all of our...
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Day 16
December 16, 2023
Its Day 16... we are getting closer and closer!! There are so many goodies in store the next coming days its hard to decide what to open next to share!! Would ya'll rather I finish out the playground...
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Day 15
December 15, 2023
So far its been all fun and games until the kids start to cry. Why don't we get those kids playing together in its most simple form? Who doesn't remember playing pattycake? Or Ms. Mary Mack? What was...
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Day 14
December 14, 2023
It is now Day 14 and the MZ kids are coming in with their turn a the waterworks since they were separated from the MV kids. Who knows maybe tomorrow they will all play nice finally. What are some beha...
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Day 13
December 13, 2023
Wow, its Day 13 already!? Time is just flying by. I hope yall liked the swing sets and the peek-a-boo kids! It seems though that the waterworks may have been triggered! Maybe they fell off the swings...
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Day 12
December 12, 2023
Thank you all for being patient with my reset period... Truth be told I am juggling school, an autistic teenager, my granddaughter, our dog, two cats and on top of it all we are packing to move here i...
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Day 11
December 11, 2023
I hope everyone is doing well! I had said yesterday that I had a slight obsession with this line of releases and here on Day 11 you will see what I mean! How many of you tried to swing over the swing...
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Day 10
December 09, 2023
Day 10 Brings to you dear player... a tile set!! Some asked for some playground items and I have to admit, it became an obsession. Also note, its sort of a peek of things to come... There is one for M...
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Day 9
December 08, 2023
Where is Day 9 of Advent?? PEEKABOO ! So now lets get down to some serious stuff everyone. Days before has been a mix of old and new but in the coming days there will be a whole lotta NEW. The rest of...
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Day 8
December 08, 2023
Hello all! Sorry for the delay in this days update... So we have a lot of the hired help in the past days, but I think its time to clean up my act for Day 8. I had to call in the maids to help out. I...
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Day 7
December 06, 2023
To those that stated they love the behavior's of @Tonbi 's bases... Hold my beer. I'm just getting started!!! Day 7 brings in some MV AND MZ sprites! We had some regular towns ppl from both engines th...
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Day 6
December 05, 2023
Wow its Day 6 already?! Where is the time going?! ok well I have been doling out the tall sprite behaviors and sprites over the first few days and well, today is no different!? What we need is some ki...
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Day 5
December 05, 2023
How is everyone liking the calendar gifts so far? Trust me we are just getting started ppl!! Day 4 Guardinthena gave y'all an awesome Minecraft's tile set ... well after seeing the totally perfect add...
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Day 4
December 04, 2023
So if the theme hasn't become apparent by now... i LOVE Tonbi's tall sprites.... they are so versatile and offer so much more room for edits! Of course we cant have all the heavy lifting be done by th...
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Day 3
December 03, 2023
So Yesterday you all were gifted a nanny pushing the little baby around. For Day 3 I thought y'all should have more people from around the town! You cant have a working town without the blacksmith, or...
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Day 2
December 02, 2023
Its early for me to be posting Day 2's gift but I have a full day planned tomorrow with family. I figured y'all wouldn't mind if I posted early in any case XD. Today is a little bit of nostalgia from...
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Day 1
December 01, 2023
Hello all! Guess what?! ITS AN ADVENT CALENDAR!!! I'm in the states where its not QUITE December 1st yet... but I CANT WAIT!!! Gonna start off Day 1 with something lowkey though. When I was making thi...
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